“A Plastic Ocean” Eesti esmaesitlus juba sel kolmapäeval Tehnopoli kinos!
Tehnopoli kino ja Cleantech Breeze kutsuvad dokumentaalfilmi “A Plastic Ocean” esmaesitlusele Eestis!
Nelja aasta pikkune missioon ookeani sügavustesse toob vaatajateni silmiavavad kaadrid plastikureostuse ulatusest ja olukorra tõsidusest.
Kõik huvilised on oodatud 17.mail kell 17.30-20.00 Küberneetika maja saali “Veenus” aadressil Akadeemia tee 21/1.
Kõigile tasuta!
Film on inglise keeles.
A feature-length adventure documentary that brings to light the consequences of our global disposable lifestyle.
We thought we could use plastic once and throw it away with negligible impact to humans and animals. That turns out to be untrue. Producers Adam Leipzig (March of the Penguins) and Jo Ruxton (BBC Blue Planet) take you through the plastic journey from source to solution. Featuring legendary broadcaster Sir David Attenborough and world renowned oceanographer, Dr. Sylvia Earle.
This film has potential to make great contributions to the way viewers begin to engage in behaviourial change in their own lives and families. For even greater impact, our campaign will support a core subset to become advocates for this issue – going beyond their own homes and motivating others in their workplaces, schools, and communities to create an ongoing ripple effect from the film. A Plastic Ocean is an epic global adventure following a documentary filmmaker and a world record free-diver as they travel the earth discovering the shocking impact plastic is having on our oceans and the marine animals that live there. The film investigates how our addiction to plastic is impacting the food chain and how that is effecting every one of us through new and developing human health problems. The expedition leads the two adventurers to unusual scientific discoveries, heart-breaking truths and important solutions to one of the biggest problems confronting mankind.
During its four-year production period, A Plastic Ocean was filmed in 20 locations around the world in beautiful and chilling detail to document the global effects of plastic pollution–and introduce workable technology and policy solutions that can, if implemented in time, change things for the better.
#PlasticOceans #awaveofchange