WORKSHOP: Propel Your Business to Global Success
- 10.10.2023
- 09:30
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- 10.10.2023
- 12:30
Tehnopol Saturn, Teaduspargi 6/1

At the workshop “Propel Your Business to Global Success” Patrick Gerber (Expert, Business Advisor) and Evelyn Soidla (Business Coach) will share practical knowledge, inspiring success stories, and tools that assist companies in successfully expanding into foreign markets.
This workshop is exclusively designed for Tehnopol’s business development contractual clients – small and medium-sized Estonian enterprises (SMEs) – aspiring to achieve international growth. Invitations to participate in the workshop will be sent on a personalized basis.
Along with providing practical insights and solutions to empower companies for successful expansion, this workshop aims to bring science to practice.
The number of participants is limited, and spots are guaranteed based on pre-registration. Each company is encouraged to have 2-3 representatives attend.
The workshop is in English.
9:30 – 9:45 Introduction and warm-up to the workshop
9:45 – 10:15 Understanding Growth and its Challenges
• The stages of growth for SMEs
• Exploring the EU Project LEAD insights
• Identifying key growth phases and associated problems
10:15 – 10:40 Common Hurdles for Growth
• Practical Insights from Estonia’s Startup Ecosystem
• Navigating a Tight and Rapidly Evolving Home Market
• Addressing Limited Experience in International Business
10:40 – 11:00 Strategies for Overcoming growth challenges
• Exploring Tools and Instruments for Efficient Growth (Growth models: GREINER, coaching, etc)
11:00 – 11:15 Energy break
11:15 – 12:00 Mapping of your current situation and first steps.
12:00 – 12:30 Conclusion and Q and As
• Recap of Key Takeaways from the Workshop