Save the Date! Export Training Seminar
16.märtsil toimub Teaduspargis Tehnopol ekspordi koolitus – Export Training Seminar.
Ühepäevase koolituse sisuks on ekspordi müügioskuste treenimine edukaks tegutsemiseks kaugetel turgudel (väljaspool EL).
Sihtrühm: ekspordi eest vastutavad juhid, kaugetel turgudel (v.a. EL) tegutsema hakkavate ettevõtete esindajad.
Koolituse sisu:
- Buyer’s journey (buyers problems, decision making unit, how progress a buyer in the journey, velocity of the sales funnel);
- Sales & marketing tactics & initiatives to create leads, manages leads, progress leads;
- Build ‘funnel plan’ for the tech SMEs/start-ups.
- Get acquaintance with topics export readiness, export marketing plan, international marketing, export sales, unique buying proposition, creating leads (from longlist, via shortlist to acquisition strategy and accounts = sales funnel) and sales pitch
- Enable participants to master export strategy techniques and processes and to produce a first draft of an Export Marketing Plan (EMP).
- 1x recap of each draft EMP-plan by e-mail to finalize the training.
Koolituse läbiviijast:
Fred Janssen (E&M ExportManagement B.V., Holland) executed several Export Strategy training projects for SMEs (including start-ups) in more than 50 countries in transition in Eastern Europe, Asia, South and Central America and Eastern Africa. Expert in export strategy building (private companies) and sector export capacity building (public sector (Government and Business Support Organizations). Key disciplines and focus expertise are (sector) export auditing, entry strategies and partnerships, in-depth export market research and intelligence, (sector) export marketing planning, international strategic alliances, interim export management and export operations. Rolling out Export Strategy training programmes with a key focus on export auditing, export marketing and research and export entry and planning. Specific experience in private and public sector development in countries in transition in coaching, training and consulting public (BSOs & Government) and private (SMEs) organizations and institutions. All under the authority of (Dutch) Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Economic Affairs, ITC International Trade Center, UNCTAD/WTO Geneva, EBRD, European Commission, TAIEX and other Contracting Authorities, donors and NGOs.
NB! kohtade arve on piiratud – osalejate arv on maksimaalselt 20 inimest.
Oma osalemissoovist palume teada anda aadressil teenused@tehnopol.ee .
Täpsem lisainfo: toomas.tyrk@tehnopol.ee
Osalemisest teatada hiljemalt 15.02.2017. Igale osalejale esitatakse seejärel ettevalmistuseks lisainfo.
Osalemistasu: Tavahind 450€+km; NB! klastrite partneritel võimalus saada kuni 50% kulude hüvitamist; Tehnopoli äriarendusteenuste klientidele 125€ +km;
Aeg: 16. märts kl 8.30-17.30
Koht: ruum Merkuur, Teaduspargi 6/1, Tallinn
Üritus viiakse läbi on inglise keeles.
Seminar viiakse läbi EU Interreg Central Baltic project SME2Go (www.sme2go.eu ) raames koostöös Enterprise Europe Network ja Eesti juhtivate klastritega (Tark Linna, IKT, Tervisetehnoloogia).