We can help you organise a professional business event on site, online or in hybrid form

Tehnopol Science and Business Park has all-round experience of organising events, through hosting, or helping other companies from the park to host, some 200 events.
We have several seminar rooms that can hold up to 80 people or that can be changed into a comfortable studio with all the equipment you need.
We can help you find the right space and set up a studio, and can also help organise the technical production and the catering.
In addition, we can offer you marketing help, as there are more than 200 technology companies from the park in our network, employing over 4000 people, while our social media channels have more than 15,000 followers and our newsletter has 4500 readers twice a month.
Read more: https://www.tehnopol.ee/en/event-management/