Virtual Conference on Digital Innovation Network

On the 10th of June 2020, the Conference on Digital Innovation Network took place virtually.
The event concentrated on DIGINNO initiatives on cross-border services, mainly on concept, integration, and realization of Know Your Customer (KYC) and Electronic CMR (e-CMR). More than 80 people took part in the virtual conference.
The introduction to the topic was done by Sirli Heinsoo, Real-Time Economy Project Manager.
Rainer Osanik, DIGINNO KYC showcase leader and Idea Lead in Accelerate Estonia introduced the vision and possible solutions of KYC utility.
Inna Nosach from the Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications presented the challenges of implementing e-CMR and introduced the purpose and activities of the DIGINNO-Proto project.
The development of a working e-CMR index data exchange prototype between Baltic countries and Poland was presented by Greta Gelgotaitė from Lithuanian company FITEK EDI.
The full conference can be viewed HERE.
The virtual event solution was provided by https://globalvirtualsolutions.eu/
Source: DIGINNO webpage
The aim of Science and Business Park Tehnopol is to support technology based companies to grow and expand internationally. DIGINNO is a project that helps us to reach this goal – to develop innovative digital public services where the main outcome would be policy recommendations in implementing cross-border e-services in BSR countries. Read more about the project here.