Urban Tech will innovate European Smart City, Green Tech and Health Tech industries

Tehnopol Science and Business Park is taking part of a new international project called Urban Tech that focuses on Smart City, Green Tech and Health Tech.
In long term perspective, Urban Tech project will innovate and increase the competitiveness of European Health Tech, Smart City and Green Tech industries globally.
Collection of the Challenges has been launched and apply if you think that you have a challenge that will accelerate the competitive success of European SMEs in Health Tech, Smart City and Green Tech, and have the potential to support SMEs and start-ups in scaling their solutions globally.
There is a 2 million Euros direct funding for SMEs and start-ups to support the acceleration of competitive success of European SMEs through market launch of new or significantly improved products and services with higher value (with higher quality, increased access, eco-innovative, resource efficient and internationally scalable).
Here’s how we do it:
- Urban Tech will map 300 challenges in the areas of Health Tech, Smart City and GreenTech industries.
- The project will launch 3 Open Calls for start-ups and SMEs to provide solutions to one or more Challenges. Selected start-ups and SMEs will be invited to participate in 16 international industry hackathons which will identify 80 innovation projects selected for the incubation phase.
- 80 businesses incubated in 8 technology parks will deliver minimal viable products (MVPs).
- 30 products will be selected and rewarded with a grant for piloting and large-scale testing.
- 20 tested and piloted products will be demonstrated to Challenge owners and investors.
- 20 innovative solutions with highest potential of commercialization receive GOING GLOBAL support
Read more about the project and how you can contribute: https://www.urbantech-project.eu/
Urban Tech is a three-year project funded by the European funding programme for research and innovation Horizon 2020. The project’s consortium includes 11 partners.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101005301.