Thorgate’s Python CodeClub starts again!
Are you interested in coding? Do you want to know more about Python? And meet other people like you? Then come to Python CodeClub – first session is already tomorrow. The club and events are powered by the leading Estonian Python development team Thorgate – company located in the Science Park Tehnopol.
Anyone interested in coding Python. We welcome total beginners as well as advanced Python learners to come and scoop knowledge. We also welcome experienced Python coders to come and share their knowledge, inspire others or find new ideas.
Like the name suggests, the main goal is for this to be a club activity. So, it’s not a training class and we will take it easier this season and have fun! Any questions you may have about Python will, of course, still be answered.
When and where
Wednesday, January 30th 18.00 at TalTech Information Technology College room 314.
Senior developers and pizzas provided by Thorgate. Drinks provided by Coca-Cola HBS Estonia: https://baltics.coca-colahellenic.com
Bring your laptop!