The city of Tallinn is investing 100,000 euros in smart solutions from businesses

The Tallinnovation competition to support smart city solutions received 10 entries this time. The city of Tallinn and the Tehnopol Science and Business Park together chose four winners from among the entries, and the city will invest a record 100,000 euros in them.
The winners of the third Tallinnovation competition were 10Lines, Koduandur, FOB Solutions with MyGames, and FudLoop.
10Lines develops smart robots for marking roads. The robots from 10Lines allow road markings to be drawn more accurately, more efficiently, and with a substantially smaller environmental footprint.
Koduandur warns the families and care workers of elderly people if those elderly are not moving about their home as usual, which may indicate they have had a fall or a health problem.
The solution created by FOB Solutions and MyGames allows sports grounds to become completely self-service by managing the booking, payment, access, lighting and other functions for them.
FudLoop is developing smart food sharing cupboards and is the first company in the world to offer food sharing as a service. As part of the project, the network of food sharing cupboards in Tallinn will be expanded and new opportunities created for sharing food.
Chair of the innovation committee of Tallinn City Council and of the competition jury Aivar Riisalu said that the entries in the competition covered a very wide range of business ideas. “It was pleasing to see that the winning solutions covered both software and hardware solutions from different sectors, showing the potential and the readiness for innovation in so many spheres of life. We are excited to see how the solutions chosen will be put to work and become internationally successful through their partnership with the city of Tallinn. The work of Tallinnovation has supported businesses in doing exactly this”, he said.
The CEO of Tehnopol Indrek Orav said that organising the Tallinnovation competition fits with the fundamental aim of Tehnopol of supporting world-changing innovation. “Making the urban space smarter makes life more convenient and more sustainable for all of us. The winning entries in the competition create value for businesses and for people. We greatly appreciate the chance to help businesses reach their potential by giving them financial support, an environment to test their solutions, and practical advice from mentors”, he said.
The aim of the Tallinnovation innovation competition is to improve the services and the environment of the city for residents and visitors. The competition gives support to cooperation between the city and technology companies and promotes the use of innovative smart city hardware and software products in Tallinn.
The innovation fund reached 100,000 euros for the first time, and it will be divided between the winners. The competition winners will also benefit from contacts and advice from Tallinn city, and the support of the Tehnopol network of mentors. Work on developing and deploying solutions will start in the coming months.
Other companies that have previously received support for their solutions from the innovation competition are Thinnect, KrattWorks, Solintel, Ringo Eco, Bikeep, R8 Technologies, Teede Tehnokeskus, Fusebox and Aiotex. For more see: innovatsioonifond.tehnopol.ee/en/home/