The 4th Call for Active and Healthy Ageing Reference Sites is now open

Active and Healthy Ageing Reference Sites are alliances or partnerships of health and care stakeholders within a region, major metropolitan area, or geographic locality that can implement or develop innovative and person-centred solutions and digital technologies, to address the life-course health and care needs and priorities for active and healthy ageing in their region.
By bringing together all health and care stakeholders across Public Authorities, Health and Care Providers, Research, Academia, Industry, Civic Society and Patient Groups, Reference Sites can ensure there is a common understanding of the policy, organizational, technical and financial challenges facing the region, and shared efforts are undertaken to deliver a life-course approach to active and healthy ageing. Working together, the stakeholders can develop, test, implement, and scale-up new approaches, innovative solutions, and digital health technologies to improve health and care outcomes for patients and their communities; enhance the sustainability of region’s health and care systems; and create increased opportunities for research and innovation. Collectively, this can bring benefits to the region that have a multiplier effect at national and European levels for sustainable development.
All existing Active and Healthy Ageing Reference Sites and other regions across Europe that are addressing a life-course approach to active and healthy ageing are invited to apply and be accredited as an Active and Healthy Ageing Reference Site. Becoming a Reference Site not only brings benefits to your region through the collaboration with other health and care stakeholders; it also offers opportunities to collaborate, and share knowledge, learning and good practices to address life-course approaches to active and healthy ageing with other Reference Site regions across Europe.
Further information on the 4th Call for Reference Sites, along with links to the Online application form are available here. The closing date for applications is 31 May 2022. The RSCN will be organising information sessions for those wishing to apply, the first session is now available on YouTube. If you’re interested in applying, please also check the frequently asked questions.