Tehnopol’s volleyball court can now be booked via MyGames platform

Tehnopol’s volleyball court has a new booking system. The new system is set up in cooperation with Tehnopol’s business development client and Startup Incubator alumnus MyGames.
The room booking page on Tehnopol’s website tehnopol.ee/room/ will now guide volleyball court bookers to mygames.io home page to complete the reservation. When making a booking for the first time, you need to create an account on MyGames page. MyGames will then send you a unique code, which you can enter in the field of the duration of the reservation. The current key system will end.
The use of the court is free of charge for friends of Tehnopol. Bookings for the volleyball court “Volley” are open all year round.
Attention! We will personally inform people whose reservations are still to come in July about the change. If you know a colleague who plays volleyball, you can share the information with them just in case!
Estonian sports technology startup MyGames has collected more than 150,000 mainly tennis courts around the world and enables their convenient use through its platform.