Tehnopol’s Greentech Cluster received an international recognition

Tehnopol Science and Business Park’s Greentech Cluster received an important recognition from the European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis – our greentech cluster now has a Cluster Management Excellence Label Bronze.
The Manager of Tehnopol’s Greentech Cluster, Ragmar Saksing, explained that this label shows quality and that Tehnopol’s Greentech Cluster is recognized in Europe. “We had to go through a long evaluation process to receive the label, during which we had to show what we had done during the years, what kind of collaboration projects we’ve had and how we have developed the campus. We were actually quite surprised ourselves that we have achieved so much,” said Saksing.
For the evaluation process, it was necessary to count all the projects Tehnopol currently has that are in some way connected to the field of greentech – the number of projects is 13 totalling in 1,8 million euros. Tehnopol’s greentech community comprises of 30 contractual companies, but if we count the alumni also, there’s around 70 companies in the cluster.
In addition to the fact that the bronze label shows quality, Saksing hopes that in future Tehnopol will find even more greentech companies to increase the collaboration in the field.
ECEI Cluster Management Excellence Label Bronze was awarded to Tehnopol’s Greentech Cluster within the project Green Tech 2.0 activities. The bronze label is valid for two years and the next step is to go after the silver label.
Tehnopol’s healthtech cluster, the Estonian Connected Health Cluster, also has a bronze label.