Tehnopol’s green tech and health tech clusters at the European Cluster Conference in Prague

Czech Ministry for Industry and Trade under the Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU and the European Commission organised the 8th edition of the European Cluster Conference on 26 and 27 September 2022 in Prague. The conference brought together cluster policy makers, cluster managers, practitioners and other stakeholders.
This event was following the cycle of European Cluster Conferences that have taken place every two years since 2008, every time with a different theme enabling participants to focus on different priorities.
Participants from Estonia were: Tehnopol’s green tech cluster, Estonian Connected Health Cluster led by Tehnopol, Estonian Aviation Cluster, Defence Estonia Cluster, Estonian Digital Construction Cluster and Enterprise Estonia.
The main topics were cooperation, sharing of know-how and ideas and partnership between the clusters. Together the participants were searching for answers how to solve issues through cooperation and how clusters could find more joint initiatives.
Next step is to organize transnational exchanges with the support of project GreenTech 2.0. Eligible visiting organisations for transnational exchanges are:
- Cluster organisations and similar business network organisations;
- Scaling-up support organisations (such as tech centres, research institutes, [digital] innovation hubs, fab labs, creative hubs, resource-efficiency service providers, incubators, accelerators) that are cluster members;
- Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that are cluster members.
In conclusion, the conference was a great opportunity to network and meet project partners, which will surely improve cooperation and help take on new projects in the future.