Tehnopol is looking for scale-ups interested in Chinese and Chilean markets!

Tehnopol’s 4SmartGrowth project is welcoming scale-ups from e-services and health technology, education or mining sectors that are interested in entering the Latin American or Chinese market. The project will allow participants to establish contact with companies in Chile and the Chinese regions of Hebei and Guangzhou to jointly carry out pilot projects, purchase and sale transactions etc. To facilitate networking, local experts from target markets are involved in the project. In addition, the project participants will undergo an online training program starting in the new year, which will introduce the properties of the Chinese and Chilean markets and business culture in more detail.
Read more about the project: https://4smartgrowth.eu/
An online event focused on introducing the Chilean market will take place on December 2, 2020. Read more about it here.
If you’re interested in applying to the project, then please contact Tehnopol’s Innovation Manager Kadi Villers kadi.villers@tehnopol.ee