Tallinnovation will help to improve the urban space for both residents and visitors

The Tallinnovation innovation competition organised jointly by the city of Tallinn and the Tehnopol Science and Business Park with the aim of finding smart city solutions that will improve the services and the environment of the city for residents and visitors is inviting companies to enter. A record 100,000 euros is available for investment in smart city solutions this year.
Tallinn is using the innovation competition to introduce contemporary smart city solutions to make the city more modern, more user-friendly, less wasteful, and more engaging. The project encourages cooperation between the city and technology companies, creating opportunities for testing, using and developing innovative hardware-based products and services.
The innovation competition is open to companies registered in Tallinn. Companies that submit ideas can get financial support, pilot their projects, gain contacts, advice and resources from Tallinn city, and use the support of the Tehnopol network of mentors.
The competition is open for applications until 15 September 2022. Ideas that are submitted earlier will have the advantage that they can get feedback to improve their application and add further information.
For more information, contact kristiina.libe@tehnopol.ee.