Startup Story: CoinTurtle X Tehnopol Startup Incubator

CoinTurtle, which is currently participating in the Tehnopol Startup Incubator’s growth programme, is one of many startups in this batch that has foreign founders – CoinTurtle’s founders come from Canada. However, they have found their way to Estonia and Stig Rästa, a beloved Estonian music and producer, is in charge of CoinTurtle’s marketing and investor relations.
How did you come up with the idea to found a startup?
I actually joined CoinTurtle’s team. Normally, I have been the one who initiates different projects, but this time it was vice versa. I was familiar with the world of cryptocurrency before, but not with the trading side and therefore it is quite refreshing to be the one who joins the team in the early stage.
What have been the biggest challenges/failures and the biggest wins so far?
The biggest challenge is getting familiar with investing and trading. The biggest win for me have been the very first paying customers.
Why did you join Tehnopol Startup Incubator?
I think the key word here is “incubator”, another good one is “accelerator”. Tehnopol helped us to get everything together in a logical way and thanks to Tehnopol we build our startup by the book.
Where do you see your startup in 1 year’s time? And in 5 year’s time?
In one year’s time we will be much better known in Estonia and we will be preparing either ICO or raising seed investments. In five year’s time we will be sponsoring a football club in the Premier League.
Who will be the next Estonian unicorn?
Change Invest.
What kind of books/podcasts/magazines (or top names in your field) do you follow and would recommend to other founders?
Restart, Foundme.
If you’d get a chance to meet with Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg and Steve Jobs, what would you ask them?
I think I’d ask who would like a drink and then I’d get them either beer of LSD from the bar, to each their own. I probably wouldn’t ask much, but rather tell them about Estonia and how the country has developed during 30 years. I might tell them about my childhood and try to figure out what is the family model that pushes these people to accomplish such big things.
Startup Story series introduces the up-and-coming startups that are part of Tehnopol Startup Incubator’s growth programme and whose journey is worth keeping an eye on. Startup Stories can be found here.