Start up your startup – last chance to apply to the Tehnopol Startup Incubator

The application period for Tehnopol Startup Incubator’s second round will end on the 9th of August, which means that now is the last moment to come up with your innovative business idea and apply! The renewed program offers a six-part training module ranging from marketing to law and will help you find investors from Estonia and further.
The program focuses on companies, whose focus fields are business-to-business technologies, green technologies, health technologies, knowledge-intensive technologies, and digital public sector solutions. “If we look at statistics, below 10% of companies survive. We have found that for those who have finished our Incubator’s program, the survival percentage is 60%,” said Tehnopol Startup Incubator’s manager Kadri Tammai.
The program will launch in September 2020, additional information regarding the project can be found here. In order to apply, you need to fill out a short application form. We are proud of our successful alumni, out of whom you might recognise Bikeep, Toggl, Defendec and many other strong companies today.
Tehnopol Startup Incubator creates a safe growth environment for startups. The growth program offers many comprehensive and practical training courses along with expert support from Estonia’s and Europe’s best mentors with the goal of finding an initial investment or reaching export markets. Tehnopol Startup Incubator is a part of support services in Tehnopol, the biggest science and business park in the Baltics.
Choose a shortcut from idea to investment and apply to the Tehnopol Startup Incubator!
Additional information: https://www.startupincubator.ee/en/program/