Prototron’s 10th anniversary season is looking for world changing business ideas

For 10 years, Prototron has been a starting point for hundreds of tech startups. Its jubilee focuses more on the impact of business ideas and their scalability.
Prototron has funded 95 clever ideas with 1,22 million euros. These teams have raised more than 62 million euros since they finished Prototron.
Prototron’s 29th application deadline is October 15. There are no limits for participants’ age or education, therefore everyone who has a vision and an idea is welcome to apply. Teams that are chosen to participate in Prototron, will get professional advice from business mentors about marketing and branding, furthermore how to measure environmental impact, how to create a strategy, how to develop a product and how to get investments. They build their business from scratch step-by-step from an idea to a registered company through practical workshops.
In the words of Prototrons CEO Jana Budkovskaja, there have been numerous amazing ideas coming through Prototron which are now established companies. Best examples being CoModule, Bikeep, 10Lines and Lingvist.
“The world is looking for smart ways to be more environmentally sustainable and so is Prototron – this time, environmental impacts of the ideas are in the spotlight,” commented Jana Budkovskaja.
Tehnopol Startup Incubator Manager Kadri Tammai encouraged everyone who has an initial idea to apply. “Tehnopol’s goal is to support world changing innovation, therefore we are happy, as one of the founders of Prototron, to give an opportunity for the best ideas to join our Startup Incubator. We will help your business grow and raise more investments in six months,” said Tammai.
From all the applications, Prototron’s Expert Committee will choose the participants and the winner. Members of the Expert Committee are: Heidi Kakko (EstBAN), Henrik Roonemaa (Geenius veeb), Liisi Himma (Swedbank), Madis Raukas (Osram), Yrjö Ojasaar (Change Ventures), Jaanus Tamm (Defendec), Andrus Oks (Tera Ventures), Priit Rohumaa (Nutshell), Sven Illing (TalTech), Indrek Orav (Tehnopol), Erik Puura (University of Tartu), Kristjan Maruste (CoModule).
On December 14th, we will announce the winners of Prototron’s round no 29. They will receive 35 000 euros of equity-free funding for prototyping. Incubation at Tehnopol Startup Incubator, R&D mentoring from TalTech and legal aid from law firm Hedman Partners.
Terms and conditions: prototron.ee/terms-and-conditions
Prototron is a fund launched in 2012 by Swedbank, Teaduspark Tehnopol and Tallinn University of Technology, which is designed to give real shape to smart and innovative ideas, i.e. to make the first tangible prototype. Our partners have been Tallinn, Utilitas, Environmental investment center etc.