Northbound Startups DEMO DAY 2021 on March 3rd

Tehnopol is participating in the Northbound Startups project by organising an incubation program for startups. On 3rd of March 2021 ten startups in three different countries will deliver their pitch in the grand finale of the NBS Acceleration program.
We invite You to join us in hearing their story and seeing them pitch about the new concepts and applications for fashion, transportation, healthcare, recruitment, and many more.
The demo day will take place on March 3 from 16.00 to 18.30 EET via ZOOM.
16.00 Welcome words from the participating countries
16.10 Pitch presentations with the Q&A
17.20 Wrap up and closure of the pitching event
17.30 Online networking with startups will start in their virtual meeting rooms
18.30 End of matchmaking
Moderator: Jarkko Nissinen, Startuplifers
Liina Laas, The Better Fund
Partick Halford, Digital Industries at Spinverse
Björn Larsson, The Investment Readiness Process by Beels
Link to registration here!
Find more about the startups here!