MELT Innovation Forum: Which economic model leads to the best results?

The MELT Innovation Forum, which was canceled last spring due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, will take place virtually on 12 May this year and for the first time will be free of charge.
This year, the focus is on innovation in cities and the colors of the economy: the so-called blue, green, and silver economies. Sustainability and the circular economy will also be discussed, as well as the impact of the coronavirus on both businesses and consumption patterns.
According to Tallinn Deputy Mayor Aivar Riisalu, Tallinn has the ambition to be an internationally known creative world city and the heart of a smart and green economy in Northern Europe. “There is a basis for this, because we have a lot of smart people, innovation and determination, ie. everything that is important for creating companies with high-added value,” says Riisalu. “The goal of MELT is to bring together those interested in innovation, to inspire each other, to encourage and find like-minded people to move forward,” he adds.
Every year, MELT offers something surprising and new to its listeners. This year the benefits of the blue economy are examined in more detail. MELT will examine the effects of the coronavirus pandemic on both companies and consumer behavior, and also review innovation products and consider how to make the business and the environment around us smarter.
This year’s MELT will take place in cooperation with the Tallinn Business Center, the Tallinn Creative Incubator, and Tehnopol Science and Business Park. A diverse program will be brought to the virtual stage, where renowned experts, visionaries, and product and service developers from various fields of life will perform.
Gunter Pauli, an expert in the blue economy, will open the forum by introducing the advantages, model, and operation of the blue economy. The main presentation will be followed by a discussion on the colors of the Estonian economy – is Estonia’s future green, blue, or silver?
On the topic of the charms and pains of the circular economy, companies will discuss the pros and cons of environmentally sustainable businesses. But how easy is it to reuse the materials or get to completely waste-free production?
During the block, “New consumer behavior: what happens after the coronavirus”, companies that have experienced new development thanks to the crisis and rethought their current field of activity will appear. The discussion will examine whether the changes caused by the pandemic have also had a lasting effect on consumer behavior.
The discussion, “Does one need to be big to change the world?” will take a look at large and small companies that have undertaken important environmental steps. Powerful leaps are needed to change the world, but can small steps have a big impact?
The block, “Old Businesses in the New Six” will look at well-known products and services that have been given a whole new look and content by product innovation. For the first time, exciting ideas on how to bring smart solutions to cities will be introduced. The five winners of the “Tallinnovation” smart city solutions competition will present their smart city solutions. The flash presentations will be followed by a discussion on urban innovation and smarter cities.
The day will end with an exciting discussion that will take a closer look at startups and their opportunities for cooperation between corporations and the public sector, as this may be a good growth strategy for startups.
The MELT Innovation Forum is being organized by Tallinn Business Center, the Tallinn Creative Incubator, and Tehnopol Science and Business Park. The forum will take place virtually on May 12 and can be viewed on the website: www.melt.ee. Every year, MELT brings together fresh ideas and technologies for the future, enabling people to discover, learn, and see the opportunities for innovation around them.