Launch your innovation to the market!

Are you facing a challenge to bring your innovation to the market and seeking additional financial support? Apply for the SME Call to accelerate the commercialisation of your products and services!
EIT RawMaterials is committed to supporting Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) as they lead activities that will improve innovation capacity across its community. The call aims to boost and accelerate the launch on the market of new products within the context of the value chains and topics of the three EIT RawMaterials Lighthouses on Sustainable Discovery and Supply, Sustainable Materials for Future Mobility, Raw Materials and Circular Societies. This call supports innovation and business creation, accelerating the commercialisation of innovation to the benefit of European citizens.
The SME Call is especially suited to companies that are facing a challenge to bring their specific innovative product, process, solution or service to the market, and that are seeking additional financial support of up to €500 000 to solve their challenge. To qualify for funding, the company must propose solutions that are aligned with the value chains of the raw and advanced materials network and must fit the definition of an SME according to the European Commission.
APPLY and read more information here: https://eitrawmaterials.eu/sme-call/