Last chance to apply for the Kohtla-Järve Innovation Fund with your smart city solution

At the end of last year, Tehnopol and Kohtla-Järve opened an innovation fund to support the implementation of smart city solutions in the urban environment. Many have already submitted their idea to the competition, but the round is still open to those interested until February 1.
Both young people interested in entrepreneurship and already experienced entrepreneurs are welcome to apply for the fund. The application can also be submitted by persons who do not need financial support, but still want to cooperate with the city of Kohtla-Järve.
The € 20,000 innovation fund aims to support companies who make the urban environment more modern, friendly and sustainable. The city of Kohtla-Järve in cooperation with Tehnopol offers the opportunity to apply for access to the city’s contacts, infrastructure and other resources necessary for the implementation of smart city solutions in addition to financial support.
More information about the innovation competition: innovatsioonifond.tehnopol.ee