Introducing the new CEO of GreenEST Summit – Mari Juk!

We are very happy to announce that the new CEO of GreenEST Summit has been selected and her name is Mari Juk. Let’s get to know her a little better!
In a couple of sentences – who you are and where do you come from?
I was raised in rural Viljandimaa, but at 16 I moved to Ireland and then went on to spend half my life living abroad in Ireland, the United Kingdom and Canada while working within the global mobility management sector. My expertise lies in implementing strategic initiatives and projects for highly successful and reputable international talent mobility and community organisations.
What are your superpowers?
While living abroad, I would often say my superpower is my ability to speak Estonian. However, today I would say it’s my ability to relate and emphasise with people from so many different parts of the world with multitude of backgrounds due to my international life and work experiences.
What caught your interest about GreenEST Summit?
I have always been fascinated by scientific advancements in technology that help create a sustainable future for us and our descendants. So, I was immediately interested in the position at GreenEST because it enables me to combine my professional passion of bringing together business communities and my personal interests in green technology advancements. As a bonus, it also helps me satisfy my desire to promote my home country Estonia to the rest of the world.
What are your expectations towards this year’s event and what will GreenEST Summit look like in 5 year’s time?
With the event production quality in Estonia being very high, I am certain we can make GreenEST Summit the most anticipated clean technology event in the world. The previous team has layed a great foundation for it and this year we will build on that success to make the event bigger but keep the high quality and deliver an immersive experience for everyone joining us in Tallinn or online.
Currently our participants are mainly investors, startups, corporates, scientists and government officials but in the future, I’d like to find a way to incorporate an element for the general public and give people the opportunity to discover clean technology solutions available to them. I believe this would help consumers make better choices which in turn will enable us all to achieve a cleaner future.
GreenEST Summit is the flagship Greentech event that brings together public and private sector experts, cleantech companies and investors from all over Europe to discuss how to address the inevitable green revolution!
Keep an eye on GreenEST Summit’s website and mark your calendar for October 26-27!
Here’s a look back at last year’s summit: