Innovative solutions for the urban space are wanted for the Kohtla-Järve innovation competition

The Tehnopol Science and Business Park and the Kohtla-Järve municipal authorities are again organising an innovation competition to find and apply smart city solutions in the town of Kohtla-Järve. A total of 20,000 euros is available in awards.
The innovation competition is designed to support companies that will make the Kohtla-Järve urban environment more modern, more user-friendly and more sustainable by creating completely new solutions or developing existing products and services further. On top of the financial support, the town is offering contacts, infrastructure and a test environment for the solutions proposed.
Kohtla-Järve is currently the only municipal authority in Ida-Virumaa that is working with Tehnopol to hold an innovation competition for smart city solutions. The innovation competition is open to providers of solutions from all across Estonia.
Applications to enter the competition may be submitted until 21 September. For more on the conditions of entry and to apply see innovatsioonifond.tehnopol.ee/kohtla-jarve/