Innovation Nests hackathon winner enables experiencing Estonia using holograms in Abu Dhabi

Tehnopol and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs organized the Innovation Nests hackathon on the 18.-20th of February. Team Abu Dhabi won the first price with members Silja Kõiv, Kristi Roosimägi, Lehari Kaustel and Madis Sassiad, whose comprehensive concept of the showroom enables the visitors to experience Estonia by integrating technology and nature.
The aim of the hackathon was to develop concepts for the innovation nests planned for nine Estonian embassies, i.e. Estonian showrooms. Innovation nests help to introduce the world to the modern solutions created in Estonia in the field of both business and creative industries to promote their export in the host countries and to bring foreign investments to Estonia.
13 teams attended the 48-hour hackathon, which started on February 18th. Teams consisting of both young and experienced architects, designers, IT experts and entrepreneurs devised a special conception for each country. Innovation nests were planned for nine cities: Tokyo, Toronto, Berlin, London, Seoul, Riga, Nairobi, Abu Dhabi and Singapore.
Team Abu Dhabi won the hackathon’s first place. Their concept “Experience Estonia” aims to increase the visibility of Estonia and its companies to create an interest in Estonian products and services in the Middle East, explained team member Silja Kõiv.
“Our concept envisions multifunctional spaces, which are illustrated by five innovation nests, introducing Estonian e-government services, cybersecurity, defence industry, green economy and the field of education and culture in more detail. High-tech and innovative solutions are used to convey the Estonian experience: LED walls, holograms, chat robots, laser beams. The emphasis is on dynamics, it is possible to quickly change the presented areas and topics. In visualizing the idea, we would like to thank KNM Estonia and architect Osvald Nuter,” said Kõiv.
Second place went to team Soul I, who created multifunctional spaces for work, meetings and events. They used augmented reality to engage the visitor in an interactive way and to introduce the Estonian soul (nature, culture and business). Using ARN’s augmented reality technology and QR codes, visitors can see Estonian products, traditions and the most important sights.
Third place went to Berlin II, whose mobile and sustainable Koda-Kond business incubators provide Estonian entrepreneurs, creative entrepreneurs and international e-residents with work and meeting spaces in order to better enter the German market.
The solutions were judged by a jury of experts, who awarded the first place with 5,000 euros, second place with 3,000 euros and third place with 1,500 euros. In addition to the top three, the Nairobi team also received a special prize, gaining access to the Turunduslabor’s training platform for six months. The second winner of the special award was team Singapore, who won tickets to Latitude 59.
According to Indrek Orav, member of the jury and Tehnopol’s CEO, it was great that the event, which was held in a tight format and in difficult physical conditions due to the virus, brought together such a good level of work.
“I really liked the thoroughness of the teams, the original approach they had and their ability to connect the visual and functional side. Participants had consulted with experts from the host country and proposed solutions that worked in real locations. I believe we got enough ideas to further develop in cooperation with Estonian foreign embassies,” said Orav.
The Innovation Nests hackathon took place in a hybrid format in science and business park Tehnopol.
Silja Kõiv (HoloFitZone), Kristi Roosimägi(HoloFitZone), Lehari Kaustel (Global Virtual Solutions) ja Madis Sassiad (GoSwift)
Alexander Bitskov (ARN), Anastasiya Rozenfeld (ARN), Eduard Vassilyev (ARN), Kristina Kudryavsteva (ARN), Tiina Pärtel (Narmla Design)
Mia Tamme, Paul Grünenwald, Hannah Segerkrantz, Boris Lancelot, Priit Kruus (Dermtest)
Germo Ausin (EKA), Karolin Kull (EKA), Britta Saks (ReloEst), Aliine Lotman (MTÜ Mondo)
Kristel Mõistus (Education and Youth Board), Annely Tank (MTÜ EdTech Estonia), Kaia Kirs (Bruce Platform OÜ), Priit Pint (Astro Baltics OÜ), Rain Ant (Astro Baltics OÜ)