How good is the health of innovation in your company?

Tehnopol is offering its companies the opportunity to conduct a free Innovation Health Check (hereinafter IHC) audit. IHC is an innovation audit for companies that identifies opportunities for strategic development, resource savings, product development or implementation of a new business model, and recommendations for finding partners. The audit focuses on the company’s innovation culture, understanding of the business environment, shaping growth strategy and vision.
We asked Gaspar Anton, founder of a 3D mapping company EyeVi Technologies, and Tarvo Õng, CEO of Fusebox, a virtual power plant company who both recently completed the IHC to share some insights into the auditing process.
According to Anton and Õng, the auditing process was inclusive. “Together with the team, we solved issues concerning the company’s essence. We had to reach a consensus by giving scores on various issues. There were many discussion that really improved the company,” said Õng. Anton added that the team of their company could also think openly. The duration of the whole process was approximately two to three hours.
Both Õng and Anton agreed that the recommendations from the audit were relevant and necessary. Anton points out that there is always room for development. “In general, everything seemed well in our company and the team was like-minded – knowing this is also very important. There are always places to develop,” said Anton. Commenting on who should go through the IHC process, Õng found that it benefits all companies that have established their company’s main processes.
For more information about the Innovation Health Check, contact Tehnopol’s Innovation Manager, Kadi Villers at kadi.villers@tehnopol.ee.