GreenEST Summit 2022 discusses the possibility of a green transition during times of crises

The GreenEST Summit, the most far-reaching greentech and sustainable innovation conference in the Baltics, will be held on October 26-27 at Kultuurikatel, the Creative Hub ofTallinn. The two-day conference will seek an answer to the question on how to gain more momentum to the green revolution during times of crisis.
One of the moderators at the conference, an expert from the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, Karlis Goldstein, confirms that new challenges lie ahead for the green revolution, and they will undoubtedly be addressed at the Summit: “Giving up fossil fuels is socially and economically the most important step since the industrial revolution. In the current situation, where people are looking for concrete solutions, one could ask if we can go forward with the same enthusiasm as two years ago. Behind the crisis spreading like a domino effect, there are one-sided dependencies that we have to learn from,” explains Goldstein and states that a balanced green transition is our common interest.
The fifth GreenEST Summit will be opened by the Estonian Minister of Economy and Infrastructure, Riina Sikkut. The conference brings together entrepreneurs, investors, experts, and researchers. For example, the keynote speaker of the energy panel is Yesika Aguilera, co-founder of the intelligent technology company Tespack. Forbes magazine twice named Aguilera as one of the top market influencers under the age of 30. Tespack’s latest project is a Solar Media Bag that can turn any space into a smart classroom to bring equality of education to the most remote areas.
At the conference, several world-class opinion leaders will share their experiences. These include the Swedish environmental policy maker and the leader of Circular Sweden Anders Wijkman, who has been one of the principals of the green revolution at the European Parliament and the United Nations. Today, Wijkman is an advisor to numerous sustainable society and economic model think tanks: Earth4All, Club of Rome, World Future Council, and others. Also joining the conference are: Tobias Block, one of the managers of the eFuelAlliance, which supports the use of carbon-neutral fuel based on hydrogen, Stefan Nilsson, the strategy manager of Foxway ESG, which promotes the reuse of IT equipment, and Tony Hand, who has earned his living in the Irish mining industry for 30 years, and who this year is the project manager of sustainable mining at the TalTech Institute of Geology.
Welmoed Neijmeijer, who leads the expansion of Bolt’s rental services in new cities, and Nina Ekelund, the managing director of the Haga Initative network created in Sweden, definitely deserve a special mention. The companies belonging to the Haga network, like Swedbank and Löfbergs, have set themselves the goal of reducing the carbon dioxide emissions of the business sector and thus moved ahead of the state’s plans.
Many reputable Estonian experts and entrepreneurs will be speaking at conference, for example, Helen Sooväli-Sepping, vice-rector of Tallinn University of Technology’s green turn, Swedbank’s ESG area manager Mihkel Tamm, technology manager of sustainable carbon nanomaterials manufacturer Up Catalyst Einar Karu, etc. A total of 71 experts will take part and share their knowledge.
“The organizers of the conference have managed to include very fascinating speakers in the program, who share the success stories of the green turn, but who also bring out the failures. It is actually very useful for listeners to learn about both,” said Goldstein.
In addition to discussion panels, the conference provides an opportunity to learn about new innovative products and services, find new business partners, meet like-minded people and seek new career challenges.
Practical workshops take place in other rooms during the event. The topics range from knowledge of the law to organizing international recruitment. You can register for the workshops on the spot.
Do visit the demo area, where green technology companies present themselves to potential customers, cooperation partners.
Information about the GreenEST Summit 2022 program and tickets is available on the conference website. The event will also be broadcast live online on the WorksUp platform.
The organizing partners of GreenEST Summit are Tallinn University of Technology, EIT Raw Materials, Tehnopol Science and Business Park, Environmental Investment Center, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, Ministry of the Environment, Law Firm RASK, the Nordic Council of Ministers’ representative office in Estonia and Estonian Business and Innovation Agency.