GALLERY: First place at the Tehnopol Science Day went to Krakul

On World Science Day, 10 November, we organised the first Tehnopol Science Day together with Rakett69, which brought the participants and supporters both laughter and tears (of joy).
Ten teams took part in the science day, representing Microsoft with two teams, Infragate, Tallinna Reaalkool, MEC, Krakul, FitSphere, TFTAK, BCS Itera and SMIT. The four-member teams had to build a safety cage that would protect two raw chicken eggs from collisions and from a vibration robot.
Both tasks were carried out with great excitement, and after a tight race the top three were:
- Krakul in first place
- Tallinna Reaalkool in second place and
- MEC in third place
All the teams received a basket of fruit from Tehnopol and tickets to the startup conference Latitude59 to be held in the spring. The second place team also won an award from Rakett69, and the winners got the Innovation Ladder award from Tehnopol. All of the top three can now get mentoring sessions from experts in their field from Tehnopol.
The Science Day was led by Aigar Vaigu and Taavi Kotka, and the participants and guests were fed by Kooker.
A recording of the Science Day can be watched here!
Many thanks to all the participants and supporters! Keep an eye on our channels to find out about upcoming events!