FunkyTime helps independent consultants get through the crisis with free tools

Free from ‘time & expenses’ to sales invoice, ready for your online accounting
Brussels West, March 26th, 2020 – FunkyTime understands that many independent consultants, management advisers and coaches are currently facing rough times, and wants to help. The full premium suite is now avail- able for free for sole proprietorships – and this will remain free, no catch. Keeping time sheets, scanning ex- pense reports, making sales invoices costs €0 from now on! Create your free account at www.funkytime.com.
Rough times for independent knowledge workers
Now that the corona virus is dominating most conversations, many independent advisers are facing a lot of inse- curities. Many orders are canceled, partly because of the practical limitations and partly because companies are now holding their breath and have cut all variable costs. Whether and when the order book will refill is unclear to many. Even if the virus is soon overcome, it may take months for the economy to pick up again.
Time is money
Every consultant knows that every unperformed hour is lost permanently. Time never comes back. It is therefore crucial to keep track of time accurately – and becomes even more important when things get more difficult. Those who accurately keep track of time have fewer discussions with customers – which also means getting paid faster.
It is certainly also helpful to think about where time has gone. Through the app you can therefore also keep track of your time for non-billable activities, such as administration, marketing, sales, self-study, etc., so that you can immediately see where your time has gone. And then make adjustments, of course.
One cost saved – FunkyTime Premium is now free for independents
Also on the cost side, freelancers and independent advisers should now be careful. Especially the many small recurring monthly software subscriptions add up quickly. Thanks to FunkyTime, one of those paid subscriptions is no longer needed for independent consultants: the cost to keep track of time & expenses, and to make an in- voice for this is now €0. This offer will remain valid for at least the rest of the year – and if the post-corona eco- nomic crisis continues, FunkyTime will extend this period. for the rest of the year.
Well prepared back to work
Last but not least, FunkyTime advises all independent consultants to take advantage of these special times to prepare well for the period after the virus. Now take the time to think about how you spend your time and to fine-tune your administration. Now that the second quarter of 2020 is, you can already start well by making an initial analysis of where your time will be spent over the next three months. This way, you can use this baseline measurement as a frame of reference once restarting.
FunkyTime wishes all self-employed people a super restart!