SCALE-ABLE Kick-off Seminar: How to Unlock Scaleup-Corporate Collaboration Potential?
- 23.11.2023
- 11:00
- -
- 23.11.2023
- 12:30

SCALE-ABLE project invites you to join us in our informative kick-off Seminar to gather information about the project & give an overview of what’s going to happen next.
10 AM to 11.30 AM CET
11 AM to 12.30 PM EET
Whether you’re a dynamic scaleup or a forward-thinking corporate, the Scale-Able project offers transformative opportunities. Dive into new markets, harness cutting-edge innovation, and co-create solutions that stand out.
Our kick-off seminar will provide a concise and inspiring overview of the program, offering insights into the project phases, events, and matchmaking meetings. This is your chance to gain all the necessary information to make the most of the project and learn when the next application period opens.
The seminar is the perfect starting point for all parties eager to unlock the potential of scaleup-corporate collaboration – whether you’re just starting up, scaling up, or standing out as a corporate leader.
Register your interest now and stay tuned.
11:00-11:05 Opening words
11:05-11:20 Introduction of the project and project partners (Tehnopol Science Park, Business Turku, Norrköping Science Park, Ignite Sweden together with Swedish Incubators & Science Parks)
11:20-11:45 Project Objectives & Overview
11:45-11:55 Ignite Matchmake Method
11:55-12:05 Project Timeline
12:05-12:25 Open discussion with Q&A session
12:25-12:30 Closing words & call-to-action
More information about the project can be found HERE:
Open call for Startups & SMEs is until 30th of November, register here already today:
For corporate onboarding please contact: