Making Industry 4.0 Real
- 27.10.2020
- 10:00
- -
- 27.10.2020
- 16:30
Online / Žalgirio arena, Karaliaus Mindaugo pr. 50

We would like to invite you to take part in DIGINNO Industry digitization conference Making Industry 4.0 real, which will take place in Lithuania (Kaunas) on 27th October, 2020.
The conference speakers will present real-life examples how digitalisation changed their business processes and what added value they gained. This year among the conference speakers are representatives from Europe’s technology industries ORGALIM, Association for technology industry in Belgium AGORIA, SAP, TeamViewer and others.
At the end of the conference, three companies will be awarded as “LITHUANIAN INDUSTRY 4.0 STAR 2020”.
The conference is organised by DIGINNO Partners – Lithuanian engineering industries association LINPRA and Information and Communication Technologies Association INFOBALT, together with the German-Baltic Chamber of Commerce AHK. More information:
This year the conference will be held both physically and online on the conference website.
09:30 – 10:00 REGISTRATION
10:00 – 10:30 WELCOME ADDRESS
• Ministry of the Economy and Innovation of the Republic of Lithuania
• The German-Baltic Chamber of Commerce in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania (AHK Baltic States)
• National association of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) industry INFOBALT
• Engineering Industries Association of Lithuania LINPRA
10:30 – 11:45 KEYNOTES
• Malte Lohan, Europe’s technology industries ORGALIM | Europe’s technology industries: a vision for 2030
• Paul Peeters, Association for technology industry in Belgium AGORIA | Transforming manufacturing companies
towards Factories of the Future
• Gediminas Kostkevičius, Ortho Baltic | How to put manufacturing business on the web technology platform: the
Ortho Baltic way
11:45 – 12:30 PANEL DISCUSSION
Enabling Industry 4.0: how digitalisation can improve productivity?
• Participants: Gediminas Kostkevičius, Ortho Baltic; Tomas Jaskelevičius, LINPRA; Aurelijus Belickis, Elinta
Robotics; Dovydas Zinkevičius, Columbus LT; Andrius Vilkauskas, KTU.
• Moderator: Mindaugas Ubartas, INFOBALT.
12:30 – 13:15
12:30 – 13:15
John Robinson, SAP SE | Survive (and thrive?) using Industry 4.0 technologies in your supply chain
Virginijus Valevičius, Phoenix Contact | Smart building solutions
13:45 – 14:15
Lukas Baur, TeamViewer |
Raising the bar for next-gen machine monitoring
Christoph Schelzke, Mikron Kaunas | Industrial automation and digitalization: new opportunities for hardware manufacturers in Lithuania
14:15 – 14:30
14:30 – 15:00
Fredrik Nygren, NetApp | NetApp AI use cases for manufacturing, from the edge to core to cloud
Giedrius Gervelis, TEXDAN LTP | Legacy ERP vs. new ERP. Where is the value?
15:00 – 15:30
Rasa Mulevičienė, HARJU ELEKTER | HARJU ELEKTER – why do we have to grow?
Jaroslav Suchocki, Lithuanian Road Administration | Lithuanian Road Administration: A Road to Digitalization
15:30 – 16:00
Andrej Jarmolaev, INRE | Smart Manufacturing Ecosystem for Industry 4.0
Mindaugas Jonuškis, NOVAMETA | Experience implementing Industry 4.0 solutions
16:00 – 16:30
Industry 4.0 Star in Lithuania 2020: Awards of Nominated Companies.
DIGINNO (Digital Innovation Network) is a project funded by the INTERREG Baltic Sea Region programs 2014-2020, the overall goal of which is to accelerate the Baltic Sea Region’s move towards a functioning digital single market. Tallinn Science Park Tehnopol is one of the partners in this project