How To Create Skyrocketing Facebook Ads for Your Startup
- 30.11.2021
- 15:00
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- 30.11.2021
- 16:00
Science Park Tehnopol

Many Facebook business accounts are finding it increasingly difficult to create campaigns that meet the right criteria, instead of simply enjoying the Facebook algorithm doing its magic. Through testing, a workable solution can be reached, but then the regulations change, and you have to familiarize yourself with new game rules again.
What are the best practices when setting up Facebook campaigns? What are the rules of thumb that always apply or are you sure to avoid? What are the future trends that could be taken into account now? In addition, we share some exciting examples of advertising visuals and tricks on how to make your ads even more effective with visuals.
Httpool is a media platform management company and the only official Facebook representative in Estonia. Helerin Liiv, the Head of Facebook’s Customer Solutions at Httpool, brings out valuable insights and talks about the best practices and biggest mistakes of building Facebook campaigns.
The event is primarily intended for operating startups, but everyone is welcome. The event is free and in English.