How innovation can be the best “engine” to a better, greener and sustainable future?
- 04.06.2021
- 11:00
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- 04.06.2021
- 12:00
Science Park Tehnopol

How innovation can be the best “engine” to a better, greener and sustainable future?
You always have been interested in knowing more about sustainability and how we can connect innovation to create a more sustainable future?
Then this event is the best opportunity for you!
On 4th of June webinar Ragmar Saksing from Tehnopol and Joana Paredes Alves from APlanet will give a overview and discuss following topics:
➢ A general overview on how to build a better, greener, and sustainable future.
➢ How can innovation be the best engine to build a greener future!
➢ The most important things to consider when it comes to innovation and sustainability.
➢ What are the bigger challenges green tech companies face nowadays.
➢ Are green solutions more expensive than traditional ones? Are they harder to implement?
➢ How to motivate and gain people’s trust regarding green ideas.
➢ General view regarding sustainability in Estonia and Portugal.
Ragmar Saksing (Estonia) – Tehnopol Greentech sector leader
Joana Paredes Alves (Portugal) – Co-Founder at APlanet
Come and join us in this amazing event!
Everyone joining from Portugal the event time is 9 AM- 10.30 AM (GMT+1)🇵🇹
Ragmar Saksing
MOTO: Anything is possible & keep things simple.
“Ragmar Saksing is a marine biologist by education but has been operating in the field of technology for more than 20 years. He is a serial entrepreneur. Mainly has served as CTO at startups and enterprises. He works for Tallinn Science Park Tehnopol as Greentech Sector Manager.
Ragmar is the GreenTech sector leader and entrepreneur in the field of technology. His strengths include MVP process, assembling engineering teams, business analysis, and green technologies.”
Joana Paredes Alves
Co-Founder of Aplanet – global tech start-up expert in developing sustainability and CSR management solutions.
Graduated in Law from the Portuguese Catholic University and L.L.M (Master of Laws) from King’s College London, has worked as a lawyer for 10 years between Lisbon, London, New York, and Madrid in law firms and multinationals. Was also an invited research scholar at Fordham University in New York for 1 year.
Having been connected with sustainability matters for many years, in 2017 became part of The Climate Reality Project of Al Gore and left the law to become an entrepreneur in the tech and sustainability sector. Being a strong believer in the power of technology as a lever for more efficient management of ESG information and as an enhancer of the collaboration of organizations towards a more positive impact in the world and the contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals, has co-founded APlanet in Spain in 2019.