Hack the Crisis: Youth
- 06.04.2020
- 16:00
- -
- 09.04.2020
- 19:00
Science Park Tehnopol

We are happy to provide a unique opportunity to students to get to do all of the aforementioned during the world’s first online youth hackathon “Hack the Crisis: Youth”! We are inviting the students age 14-19 to the hackathon that is going to take place on 6th-9th of April, 2020, on your computer, in your phone – everywhere while You #stayathome!
Do you want to….
…find out the actions of easing the crisis started by coronavirus?
…learn to think outside the box?
…understand how to develop your own idea?
…learn from experienced mentors?
…make a contribution in the battle against the coronavirus outbreak?
During the hackathon students will form teams, come up with their ideas and develop a real prototype of their solution or a whole product! The solution could, for example, ease the burdens of distance learning or provide a new way of spending free time, anything that could make our world better right now – this is all up to our young changemakers.
Experienced mentors will assist the teams throughout the hackathon. The primary working languages are going to be English, Estonian and Russian. The best teams will receive cash prize.
Sign-up here https://bit.ly/hackthecrisisyouth
FB event: https://www.facebook.com/events/229404661798729/