Coffee Morning: Diversity and Impact Investing
- 16.02.2021
- 10:00
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- 16.02.2021
- 11:30

The steep gap between male and female startup founders is just one example why we are lacking diversity in the sector. In order to guarantee not only more startups who are working on sustainability solutions but also make the startup community sustainable, boosting diverse teams could be one of the ways for it. Luckily, cool initiatives, diversity-oriented funds and new-and-upcoming female founders highlight the potential of the future. In the next coffee morning, we meet some of them.
10.00 Intro by Triin Ilves (Community Manager at Tehnopol Startup Incubator)
Experience talks:
10.05 Liina Laas (Founding Partner at The Better Fund)
10.10 Marge Maidla (Founder at Limitless Impact Investments)
10.15 Marion Teder (Founder, CEO at CareMate)
10.20 Merit Valdsalu (Co-founder and CEO at Single.Earth)
Panel Discussion:
10.25 Discussion led by Triin Ilves
11.30 The End
Event is in English and free for everyone. We’ll send the link to the webinar to all registered.
NOCCA project is running from 1.04.2019 to 30.06.2021. It is financed by the European Regional Development Fund (Central Baltic Interreg Programme 2014-2020).