Estonian health technology startup Antegenes raises 500 000 euros and expands to the UK market

A member of the Connected Health Cluster, the Estonian health technology company Antegenes has raised 500,000 euros and signed a long-term strategic partnership agreement with UK-based healthcare company Everything Genetic Ltd to implement Antegenes genetic testing service in the United Kingdom healthcare system.
Antegenes’ novel genetic tests assess patient’s personal cancer risks and include clinical recommendations for further personalised cancer prevention. Tests are based on innovative polygenic risk score technology which helps to clarify individual’s genetic predispositions to cancer and allows for more accurate prevention and early detection measures. The tests are currently used to determine the genetic risk to four cancers: breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer, and skin melanoma.
Everything Genetic is a leading distributor of market-leading genetic test brands into the UK market, with the aim to democratise genetic testing to healthcare providers and patients for detection, diagnosis and treatment of cancer, cardiac and other illnesses.
“We are very excited for our strategic partnership with Everything Genetic for the wider application of our tests within the UK healthcare sector. This is a historic step as we enter a new era of personalised cancer prevention. Most importantly, we have a clear shared vision of how innovative genetic solutions can help save lives and reduce the impact cancer has on our society,” said Dr. Peeter Padrik, CEO and founder of Antegenes.
Everything Genetic’s CEO, James Price, says the Antegenes investment, into polygenic risk testing technology, can vastly improve patient outcomes for those likely to develop cancers. “Genetic testing for cancer has until now been the preserve of an exclusive few, only available in private clinics with costs running into the thousands, but this new investment into the Antegenes service will deliver a cost-effective way to bring down the cost of this novel tech.“
Dr James Mackay, medical Director at Everything Genetic explains cancer is a disease heavily influenced by genetics. “Although it’s long been understood that genetics plays a part in predisposition to the cancer, this technology gives proven data to demonstrate just how significant a role an individual’s genes might play in the likelihood of them developing cancer. And the earlier we can spot that and take preventative measures, the better.“
“Antegenes tests truly have the potential to turn the old trope of prevention being better than the cure on its head, in identifying predisposition to certain conditions even before prevention. It demonstrates an exciting step in the advancement of life sciences and we really can’t wait to see how the technology impacts individual patients’ outcomes across the UK,” added Dr Mackay.
“For us it’s important that our innovative solutions are trusted by top UK clinicians so we can start implementing personalised cancer prevention at a large scale. This new investment will be also used to further expand our testing service into new markets in Europe,“ added Dr Padrik.
The Antegenes tests can improve patient outcomes for those more genetically predisposed to certain cancers and other complex diseases. The firm claims the quick five-minute saliva tests will “democratise” the use of the polygenic risk-based genetics testing for individuals, healthcare professionals and organisations, helping to deliver more cost-effective patient outcomes, whilst increasing the chances of preventing and surviving cancer.
Antegenes’ products are based on peer-reviewed international research and have been evaluated and validated using anonymous population data of the UK Biobank. The data from Antegenes’ tests provide three actionable data points for patients, including: absolute risk of developing the specific cancer over the next decade, general population comparison against people the same age, and relative comparison of your risk versus that of the general population.
Antegenes is an Estonian health technology company and medical laboratory founded in 2018 with a goal to develop and implement advanced genetic tests based on polygenic risk scores technology for major complex diseases.