A unique network for innovative solutions in public-private co-operation to speed up the process towards the Baltic Sea Region digital single market.
With DIGINNO we are focusing on three challenges:
- promoting uptake of ICT in the business sector
- developing innovative digital public services
- facilitating DSM (digital single market) related policy discussions on BSR level.
DIGINNO’s main outputs:
- Company digitalization toolkit for SMEs
- 4 show-case models of G2B cross-border e-services (incl. feasibility analyses and proofs of concept)
- Policy recommendations White Paper
Important output:
- An informal but active cross-sectoral BSR industry digitalization community
DIGINNO has 15 full partners (EE 3, FIN 1, POL 1, NO 1, LV 2, LT 4, SE 1, DK 2), • 9 associated partners (GE 2, FIN 2, SE 3, NOR 2) and Lead Partner – Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications of Estonia.
Project will be implemented from October 2017 – September 2020
Tallinn Science Park Tehnopol plays important leading role in the second topic – developing innovative digital public services where the main outcome would be policy recommendations in implementing cross-border e-services in BSR countries.