Haapsalu Neurological Rehabilitation Centre (HNRC)

Unique value
Innovative technology: neurorobotics, ie LokomatPro®, ArmeoSpring®, Erigo; gym with HUR-machines; powered lower limb exoskeleton Indego®; maximal oxygen consumption examination facilities Additional developmental units: 3D gait lab with Vicon equipment; Adaptive Device Centre Development and research partnerships: the Centre of Excellence in Health Promotion and Rehabilitation; Fysioline OY Contemporary competence in neurorehabilitation in the field of: spinal cord injury; brain injury; paediatric population neurological conditions Great number of clinical cases: approximately 2500 per year (approximately 1/3 of Estonian in-patient cases)
Looking for
Development partners, Sales partnerships, Specialists
Services / Focus area
Neurorehabilitation services for spinal cord injured people, brain injured people and children Indego® set-up and training services before and after acquiring a personal device Maximum oxygen consumption examinations 3D gait analysis in Vicon® equipped gait lab Adaptive device services by HNRC’s Adaptive Device Centre Consultation and expertise services, including testing, for new methodologies, assessment tools, and/or devices.