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MedFIT is the place-to-be to identify innovative products and technologies, to build R&D, licensing or financial partnerships, but also to facilitate market access for innovations as it brings together industry leaders and innovative medtech and diagnotics start-ups, TTOs and academic institutions as well as R&D services companies and investors.

With 600 international participants from 20+ countries, MedFIT is both the leading European business convention that is dedicated to innovation partnerships and the main marketplace for early-stage investment in medical technologies and diagnostics.

5 main activities:

  • Business Convention

Thanks to a highly efficient and user-friendly platform opening one month before the event, identify and send meeting requests to other participants of your interest. The goal is to pre-qualify up to 30 meetings prior to the event and optimize your time at MedFIT.

  • Conferences and roundtable discussions

Gathering 50+ high-level international speakers, the conference programme is designed by our prestigious steering committee to offer a rich and varied programme, provide best practices while putting industry trends at its heart.

  • Exhibition

Ideally located at the focal point of the event, the exhibition area increases the networking opportunities and puts the spotlight on your expertise and values.

  • Start-up slams

Putting the spot on the most innovative start-ups in the medtech and diagnostics sectors, the Start-up slams are the best way to showcase your innovative product or technology to investors, providers and senior executives from leading industry players.

  • Meet the experts sessions

Gathering 16 medtech experts, the Meet the experts’ activity allow you to pre-schedule 30-minute flash meetings to discuss all your strategic needs and advance your project.

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