The number of elderly people is increasing worldwide. Innovation, and especially digital innovation, can play a key role in improving the quality of life of the ageing population while ensuring the resilience and sustainability of health and social care systems.
The Innovation Networks for Scaling Active and Healthy Ageing (IN-4-AHA) is a project funded under the EU Horizon 2020 programme to address these challenges. The objective of the IN-4-AHA project is to facilitate the scale-up of innovative solutions for active and healthy ageing across the EU.
The success and large-scale use of digital tools for citizen empowerment and person-centered care heavily depend on an active contribution from local and regional ecosystems, stakeholder groups, and organisations, including industry, civil society, academia, and public administration.
Project Duration: January, 2021 – December, 2022 (24 months).
What we do?
IN-4-AHA will engage with stakeholders in multiple workshops throughout the project and capitalize those workshops in two ways-in improving both the innovation cycle as well as the engagement with all relevant stakeholders.
The main objective of the IN-4-AHA project is to ensure the overall coordination and support to further scale-up mechanisms provided by EIP on AHA and its stakeholders towards a more efficient uptake of innovations in active and healthy ageing.
The main outcome of the IN-4-AHA project is an active and healthy ageing innovation scale-up model that is validated by stakeholders and complemented by a clear implementation roadmap, an innovation impact evaluation toolkit and a strategy for long-term investments.
The IN-4-AHA project is aiming to bring together the supply and demand sides in implementing scaling up strategies for innovative solutions (technology, integration of health and social care, systemic change), taking into account end-users’ perspective.IN-4-AHA will develop a model which facilitates the scale-up of innovative solutions in active healthy ageing.
This model will be built around:
- The efficient engagement and active contributions from stakeholder networks and the existing ecosystem;
- The spill-over of actionable knowledge into practical tools for EIP on AHA and its Reference Sites;
- A Roadmap to implement the change and boost the scale-up;
- The Investment strategy.
Who we are?
The Innovation Networks for Scaling Active and Healthy Ageing (IN-4-AHA) project consists of ten partners from seven EU countries with different and complementary backrounds. The project will build upon the legacy of the EIP on AHA ecosystem and advance digital innovation for the benefit of the silver economy.
The IN-4-AHA project (SC1-HCC-08-2020) will build on the achievements and legacy of the EIP on AHA ecosystem. Besides actively involving the EIP on AHA community, the project will also engage with the Joint Programming Initiative on More Years Better Lives, the Active and Assisted Living Programme, EIT Digital and EIT Health.
IN 4-AHA is coordinated by Tehnopol Science and Business Park. Consortium partners are EIT Health Scandinavian Regional Innovation Hub, Galician Health Cluster, Civitta Estonia, European Regional and Local Health Authorities ASBL, Foundation Praxic Centre for Policy Studies, Slovenian Innovation Hub European Economic Interest Grouping, Proud Engineers, South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences Xamk, and Competence Centre on Active and Healthy Agening of University of Porto.

Futurium is a multi-stakeholder information and communication hub for Active and Healthy Living in the Digital World. This community platform is created by European Commission to bring together all stakeholders in the field of active and healthy ageing. All actors in the field are invited to register, disseminate information and best practices, share important news and events and actively engage with each other in the forum.