Last call for the Level11 International Seminar on startup-corporate collaboration!

Level11 International Seminar will take place on the 18th of October from 2-5pm at Tallink Spa & Conference Hotel. Perfektio from Finland, Ignite Sweden from Sweden and High-Mobility, a startup founded by Estonians, will share their stories and experiences in startup-corporate collaboration.

Perfektio is a modern software company built around open innovation. They collaborate with big corporations to find business critical problems, create meaningful solutions and test them quickly and affordably. Along with traditional software projects, they offer UX- and service design as well as custom-made hackathons to boost companies’ innovation potential.

Ignite Sweden is Sweden’s largest matchmaker of startups and corporations helping startups find their first big customers and testing various collaboration models in other formats as well.

High-Mobility offers a platform with a standardised Auto API that allows developers to develop their apps in accordance with the needs of car industry and test and pilot them with car manufacturers. At the seminar, High-Mobility will share their experience in BMW Startup Garage and StartupAutoBahn accelerators. High-Mobility’s customers are Porsche, Volkswagen and Mercedes-Benz.

At the end of the seminar, Tallink will guide a tour in its office building and briefly talk about how Tallink cooperates with startups and how they find innovative solutions for their business.

Attendees: participants from both, startups and corporations, are welcome and invited to attend.

NB! The event is in English and free of charge!

The event agenda is the following:

13:45 Gathering and registration

14:00 Opening words of the seminar

14:05 Perfektio (Olli Savisaari) – How to build a company around open innovation

14:30 Ignite Sweden (Stina Lantz) – Ignite: How Swedish corporates stopped talking and started doing

15:00 Coffee and mingling

15:30 High-Mobility (Kevin Valdek) – Bringing Digital to Automotive: Learnings from the journey at HIGH MOBILITY

16:00 Moderated fireside chat with all speakers

16:30 Wrap-up of the seminar

16:35 Tallink offices tour

17:00 End of the day

Location: Tallink Spa & Conference Hotel, Sadama 11a, Tallinn. Galaxy1 seminar room on the 2nd floor.


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