8 teams, 8 problems and 8 hours to hack real life challenges in the industry sector!

EAS – Enterprise Estonia and Science Park Tehnopol organized another event to bring together people with different profiles with an aim to help to make Estonian industries smarter. 

Smart Industry Idea hack was full of great ideas and inspiring people from several countries from Europe to United States. In 8 hours people with different profiles teamed up to hack the industry 4.0 related challenges of different manufacturers.

Ericsson Eesti As special prize went to Eziil

Thank you for all the organizers and participants, honored jury and mentors, friends and partners: Futuruum, the largest virtual reality arcade in Estonia supports innovatitve digital solutions in the industry sector and invited the winning team to experience the newest VR and AR solutions. Robotex gave out the Golden ticket to Robotex International 2018

Special thanks to MEKTORYTööstusuudised.eeExit RoomÕllenautPeenjoogivabrik Nudist and Balsnack for your support and contribution! 

Check the photos of the event HERE!

Stay tuned for the next smart industry events coming up in November!


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