Meravita: an innovative food supplement manufacturer who brings science closer to people

Meravita is revolutionizing the pharmaceutical market with scientifically personalized vitamins and minerals. Meravita’s mission is to empower its customers with good physical health, a positive outlook and vitality – in short,  to keep people healthy.

The Meravita team works to provide health-boosting supplements that are customized for each individual customer − simply because everyone is unique and has different needs and challenges. In addition to personalized products, Meravita regularly introduces new, non-personalized health products, supplements and superfoods for a wide consumer market.

Also, individual products are bundled into packages on the basis of price and needs to be able to develop suitable pro-duct combinations aimed at keeping people healthy year-round.

“What makes Meravita unique is that our personalized products provide customers with exactly the right substances in the exact amount their body needs,” says Swen Uusjärv, chairman of the Meravita supervisory board. Meravita’s concept of personalized minerals and vitamins includes coming up with a prescription for each customer based on an algorithm developed by Meravita researchers. The algorithm processes data entered by the customer on the Meravita website, providing an overview of the person’s lifestyle and dietary habits. Next, the algorithm generates a prescription indicating specific food supplements, vitamins and minerals that the customer should consume daily.

Working in the company’s in-house lab, Meravita’s highly skilled specialists use quality natural ingredients to manufacture the products. Product development is based on comprehensive health studies and scientific literature. All of Meravita’s products, both the personalized and non-personalized ones, are made in Estonia, and are GMO and gluten-free. Most of the products are vegan friendly.

Currently, Meravita’s team consists of 27 employees, among them bio-chemists, nutritionists, pharmacists, etc. “What makes our products special is that we are always there for our customers – the duties of our customer support staff include talking to customers, answering their questions and giving them advice,” said Uusjärv. Meravita’s customer support staff also help to gauge the effect of customized supplements on a given individual’s health and, working together with nutritionists, they strive to come up with even more effective and suitable solutions for the benefit of customers.

Our goal: to raise people’s health awareness

Today, the company has a retail chain selling 42 products in some 60 stores. Meravita has nearly tripled its turnover annually for the first three years of operation. By late 2018, Meravita plans to make its pro-ducts available on pharmacy shelves as well. Initial negotiations with pharmacy chains are already underway. “Meravita’s rapid growth and development efforts, which have significantly expanded our product portfolio and raised the quality of products, demonstrates that we are an equal partner who can be taken seriously,” says Uusjärv.

According to Uusjärv, the company’s success is underpinned by a holistic approach aimed at keeping people healthy and raising overall health awareness. Although there are other pharmaceutical producers on the market, Meravita stands apart in that it seeks to bring science to people in a comprehensible, effective fashion. “People have only a superficial understanding of vitamins, and that is based mainly on TV commercials and internet ads they have seen. This has to change, and we are here to help make it happen,” says Uusjärv.

Meravita also contributes to raising awareness with a series of health conferences which last year covered, for example, the subjects of diet and mental health, and with vlogs about products on its website. The company also sponsors the radio programme Terviseraadio (Health Radio), where on each episode an expert addresses a certain health topic.

Development plans

Meravita is one of Estonia’s few manufacturers of food supplements and is distinctive in that anyone in Estonia can invest in the company. Meravita has 150 investors, of whom 90 are shareholders, including a large number of the company’s staff. One of the most important strategic objectives is to get the company publicly listed on Baltic Nasdaq First North.

Today, Meravita operates in three cities in Estonia – Tallinn, Tartu and Valga. Meravita’s products have been registered and approved in Latvia as well. From here on, the company plans to continue its expansion in the Baltics, thereupon the Finnish and Polish markets. In addition, Meravita is entering the global e-commerce market, starting with Amazon.

The more products and services we add, the more well-rounded they become.

In the near future, the company plans to develop a variety of services to be able to provide people who want to stay healthy with even more comprehensive solutions. First, it will start offering rapid blood tests as well as food intolerance and allergy tests – a convenient, quick solution revealing what is going on in the body. “The more products and services we add, the more well-rounded they become. It’s an organic process that requires time, but even at this point we can do a great deal to help improve people’s health,” says Uusjärv.

Uusjärv says that Meravita is interested in cooperation with partners who share a common goal and mission – keeping people healthy.

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