Trinidad Wiseman: Information systems that meet end-user expectations

The goal of Trinidad Wiseman, a user experience design, analysis and software development company, is to help clients develop information systems that meet end-user expectations and are easy to use.

“We help our clients create information systems that meet end-user expectations and are both easy to use and easy to learn,” says Marko Nemberg, sales and marketing manager at Trinidad Wiseman. In terms of its portfolio, according to Nemberg, one of the more interesting healthcare projects has been the analysis of the blood and tissue information system for the Estonian E-Health Foundation in 2012.

Trinidad Wiseman has also completed several projects for the North Estonia Medical Centre and the Estonian State Agency of Medicines. The company has developed, a portal for health care professionals, and

“Our specialists are also participating in a project run by Helmes, our respected partner, to develop an information system for the North Estonia Medical Centre,” Nemberg adds. Another milestone project, currently in its final stages, is Time to Doc (Aeg Arstile), which is a booking platform that patients can use to make online appointments with medical specialists in many major hospitals in Estonia. The analysis of Ester3, Pärnu Hospital’s information system, which includes several other hospitals across Estonia, is also worth spotlighting.

“Analyses are conducted to reduce the client’s risks, meaning that the more detailed the analysis is, the better the developers are able to come up with correct volume assessments and tasks. All our prototypes are tested and verified on real end-users well before development starts. This allows developers to focus on writing great quality code, which is also the reason why so many of our clients are in fact development companies,” Nemberg explains.

According to Nemberg, one of the most outstanding of their healthcare projects is a drug interaction database ( which really helps to save lives and is run by Celsius Healthcare. The database is connected to the prescription centre of the Estonian Health Insurance Fund and is used in all hospitals and pharmacies. The database is also used in Finland and Sweden. A similar solution is currently being developed for cases of kidney failure.

All these solutions rely heavily on cooperation and communication between various companies and institutions. Nemberg says that they have been working with hospitals in Estonia, the Estonian Health Insurance Fund, pharmacies, software developers (Nortal, Helmes, Medisoft, Gennet, etc.), Karolinska Institute and Celsius Healthcare, one of the top Estonian medical software companies.

For the most part, Trinidad Wiseman’s clients include the public sector, major private sector companies and various development companies. It’s also common that their clients are in competition with each other. To Nemberg, the fact that despite this Trinidad Wiseman is seen as a preferred partner when it comes to highly complex analysis and user experience projects serves as a sign of recognition.

“In terms of individual services, there are competitors in the individual fields of analysis, development and design, but we are the only one who does these tasks simultaneously and methodically,” Nemberg reasons. “Our strength lies in taking a systematic approach to user experience from the initial design stage to development.”

Trinidad Wiseman was created with the merger of Trinidad Consulting, the largest provider of user experience design and business analysis services in the Baltic states, and Wiseman Interactive, a development company that specialises in Drupal. Post-merger, the company targeted their services at major self-service platforms, large-scale and highly complex information systems, websites, portals and e-commerce solutions.

“The merger was a logical step toward providing integrated services. Although in Trinidad’s early years we made a strategic decision to avoid going into development, it became increasingly clear that for best results, we needed to have control over all stages – from analysis and user experience design to software development,” according to Nemberg,

Currently, the company employs more than 60 professionals. It is noteworthy that nearly half of all employees are female. Trinidad Wiseman’s team mainly consists of interaction designers, analysts and developers. Many specialists are equally competent in more than one field. There are analysts who are great in user experience design as well as interaction designers who can come up with top-notch graphic design and are also good front-end developers.

Based on the company’s current growth and development trends, it is very likely that by the end of 2018 it will be employing more than 85 professionals and the share of export projects will grow significantly. The company’s vision is to become the leading provider of user experience design and user-centred development services in Europe in the next five years. Currently, Trinidad Wiseman operates mainly in Estonia, but since last year the company has won multiple large-scale projects in Luxembourg, Slovenia and Ireland. These clients are large EU institutions, such as the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators, the Publications Office of the European Union and the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions.

“One of the most exotic destinations we have been to through our partners is undoubtedly Kurdistan, and we are taking small steps toward entering the African market, namely Kenya, as well,” Nemberg says. Last year, export accounted for about 10% of the company’s total turnover.

Currently, Trinidad Wiseman is finalizing a co-development project with the Connected Health Cluster to launch, in cooperation with Celsius Healthcare, a drug interaction database on the Lithuanian market. Nemberg says that being part of the Connected Health Cluster has given them an excellent opportunity to find new contacts and gain expertise accumulated due to the involvement of many high-level members. Also, more tangible help is provided through the cluster.

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