Deeptech Sandbox #2 – Cambridge Phenomenon and best practices

  • 29.03.2023
  • 09:45
  • -
  • 29.03.2023
  • 16:00
  • Science Park Tehnopol

Tehnopol Science and Business Park, Teaduspargi 6/1, 12618 Tallinn, Harju

Deeptech Sandbox #2 – Cambridge Phenomenon and best practices

The second session of Deeptech Sandbox will be held on Wednesday, March 29, 09:45-16:00 – in addition to the speakers from Metaplanet and Specialist VC, we’ll be hosting representatives from the Cambridge Cluster.

Cambridge is one of the leading deep-tech startup ecosystems in the UK – with the highest rate of patent applications per head in the UK. The ecosystem has spawned at least 15 companies each with a realised price in excess of $1bn (trade sale or IPO – not untested private company valuations). Our guests from Cambridge will give an insight to Cambridge Phenomenon, investing into deep-tech teams and supporting startups with significant scientific advances.

Host of the day – Vaido Mikheim from Deep Tech Project Lead @ Startup Estonia

Speakers & guests from Estonia and UK:

Tõnu Esko – Venture Partner & Science Advisor – Specialist VC, Scientist and Professor of Human Genomics and senior management member at Estonian Biobank.

Rauno Miljand – Managing Partner at Metaplanet

Brian Corbett – International Outreach Programme from Cambridge Enterprise Limited

Simon Thorpe – Chair (2019-2022) of Cambridge Angels

The Cambridge Future Tech – Facilitating The Next Generation Of Deep Tech Innovation

During the event, you’ll gain valuable knowledge and get to network with attendees from universities, startups, spin-offs, investors and other sector leaders. Based on the knowledge and discussions gained from the events, recommendations for developing the strategy of the Estonian deeptech ecosystem are put together in a whitepaper.

Time: March 29, 9:45 – 16:00
Venue: Tehnopol Business and Science Park, room Saturn, Teaduspargi 6/1

9:45 Gathering and refreshments
10:00 Introduction of the programme & agenda by Vaido Mikheim
10:10 Brian Corbett from Cambridge Enterprise on Cambridge
10:50 Q&A session with Brian Corbett
11:00 The Cambridge Future Tech
11:40 Q&A with The Cambridge Future Tech
11:50 Reflection point as a group work or other format
12:45 Lunch
13:30 Deep Tech Investments in Estonia #1 – How it is? How it could be? Tõnu Esko from SpecialistVC
13:45 Deep Tech Investments in Estonia #2- Rauno Miljand from MetaPlanet
14:00 Deep Tech Investments in Cambridge UK – Simon Thorpe, ex-chairman of Cambridge Angels
14:40 Deep Tech Investments in the future – panel moderated by EstBAN
15:00 Coffee break
15:10 Reflection point as a group work or other format
16:00 Wrap-up and the end of the Day

It’s an on-site event, held in English and free of charge for all participants. Spots are limited, so please register to secure your seat.

PS: More information about the #3 Deeptech Sandbox in April coming soon!

The series of Deeptech Sandbox is organized by Tehnopol Startup Incubator, EstBAN, TalTech and Startup Estonia.

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