Triumf Health: Science is a superpower

Triumf Health applied for Mobilitas Pluss programme that aims to bring young researchers to Estonia and is the first startup to get the grant. Triumf Health applied with the project to reduce psychological problems in chronically ill children through digital health intervention.

Chronic illnesses predispose children for higher risk in developing mental disorders. The risks associated with chronic illness to mental health are related to both somatic and psychosomatic changes taking place during illness period.

Kadri Haljas, CEO of Triumf Health explains: „Current research proposal aims to develop an intervention strategy that can at least partially buffer the negative psychological changes associated with chronic illness by developing an innovative mobile health platform. The mobile health platform will use game environment to provide psychological support and foster constructive behavioral change.“

According to Haljas, the first step is piloting the game among up to 20 children with newly diagnosed cancer, which will be followed by platform improvements and preparation for randomized clinical trials involving 60 patients. The aim of the study is to show positive associations between using the mobile platform and mental well-being compared to conventional treatment strategies.

The project is aimed to take place in 2019-2020.

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