Meet us at the Vitalis!

Vitalis is the largest eHealth event in Scandinavia and we are there!

EHealth is becoming an increasingly pressing issue, and Vitalis now attracts more than 3 600 attendees with the shared aim of building their knowledge and improving tomorrow’s health care. Vitalis has a unique integrated concept combining a solid conference programme with a comprehensive exhibition where key players of the eHealth market present their products and services.

Come and be part of three days of knowledge building, networking and important discussions on the future of healthcare!

Vitalis is held in Gothenburg, from 25th to 27th of April.

On Wednesday, 26th of April  you can come and listen to Külle Tärnov, as she speaks of public-private partnership for health care.

If you can’t make it to Sweden, you can come and visit us in Germany – at the conhIT in Berlin!

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