The objective of Peer for People, Planet, Profit in SMEs (P4SME) project is to improve the support in terms of sustainability that European STPs, incubators, innovation agencies or similar organisations are providing to their tenants or client companies.
For that purpose, the consortium will identify and analyse tools, programmes or initiatives that might help SMEs to become more sustainable and will implement in the medium-term an efficient method based in those inputs to be applied through pilot actions in their territories.
In order to achieve this objective, peer-learning activities are designed to facilitate cooperation and knowledge transfer among the involved STPs (FUNDECYT Science and Technology Park of Extremadura, Johanneberg Science Park, Tallinn Science and Business Park Tehnopol) within the project time frame of one year.
All partners of P4SME are Science and Technology Parks (STPs) that belong to the International Association of Science Parks and Areas of Innovation, whose mission is to respond to new needs of companies in new market conditions to drive growth and internationalisation. The integration of the sustainability approach into their portfolio of services will allow STPs to provide SMEs hosted in their facilities with a more complete support, helping them to seize new opportunities and to introduce their sustainable products and services into the market to achieve a steady growth. Thus, the main goal of the P4SME project is to improve the support services that partners are currently offering to SMEs by introducing the sustainability concept and by helping companies to integrate the sustainability into their business strategies.
Duration: 01.07.2021 – 30.06.2022
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement No. 970887