200SMEchallenge project got a large recognition

We are really happy to announce that 200SMEchallenge project has been selected by the European Commission and European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA) as one of the 40 projects exhibited during the EU Industry Days 2022.
The project ended in the autumn and resulted in, among other things, the development of a handbook to better prepare for and carry out a UX challenge. Information about it can be found here.
200SMEchallenge is a design-driven project from H2020-INNOSUP-2018-2020 programme. It aims at allowing a set of 7 innovation agencies to set up, deliver and evaluate the impact of a novel SME innovation support initiative following the tenets of Innovation Challenges. In particular, this support initiative is intended to allow digital SMEs to source strategic insight on market needs and technology requirements during the early stages of a new product development.
The ultimate strategic goal of the project is to support and nurture the growth of regional market of design-driven innovation services to SMEs, by qualifying demand and offer.
Big thank you to our partners in this project – HUB Innovazione Trentino Fondazione (Italy), Steinbeis Innovation GGMBH (Germany), Fundacio General De La Universitat Jaume i Fundacio De La Comunitat Valencian (Spain), Viesoji Istaiga Lietuvos Inovaciju Centras (Lithuania), Oulun Kaupunki (Finland) and Dansk Design Center (Denmark).