
200SMEchallenge is a design-driven project from H2020-INNOSUP-2018-2020 programme. It aims at allowing a set of 7 innovation agencies to set up, deliver and evaluate the impact of a novel SME innovation support initiative following the tenets of Innovation Challenges. In particular, this support initiative is intended to allow digital SMEs to source strategic insight on market needs and technology requirements during the early stages of a new product development.
The ultimate strategic goal of the project is to support and nurture the growth of regional market of design-driven innovation services to SMEs, by qualifying demand and offer.
Lead partner: HUB Innovazione Trentino Fondazione (Italy)
Partners: Steinbeis Innovation GGMBH (Germany), Fundacio General De La Universitat Jaume i Fundacio De La Comunitat Valencian (Spain), Viesoji Istaiga Lietuvos Inovaciju Centras (Lithuania), Oulun Kaupunki (Finland), Dansk Design Center (Denmark) and Tehnopol (Estonia)
Fund: Project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research
Total budget: 498.367,50 €
Products and services in the 200SMEchallenge:
CodeRhythm technology identifies monitored patients at imminent risk of sudden cardiac arrest (based on ECG signal), allowing doctors and nurses to save lives and improve survivors ’quality of life. The purpose is to provide important life-saving warnings and in a way that is best understood and enjoyed by users.
See more here.
Manufacturer of halogenerators, which provide salt therapy that helps to relieve allergies, asthma, respiratory concerns, skin problems etc. It increases stamina, immune resistance and also the lung volume. Challenge is to make a smartphone app which recommends the most suitable halotherapy session mode for the user.
See current system here.
Web app for private users to support personal development, self-efficiency and productivity. Suitable for career management, professional development, job enhancement, daily operativeness.
See current system here.
My Spotit
The fastest booking platform for B2B offsite meeting and working spaces that needs UX-designers team to improve the user friendliness of the product.
See curret system here.
Bill Of Material
BOM is an application for engineers that solves the issue of calculation and estimation of resources needed for production. Challenge for UX-designers is to make the manufacturing resource planner app understandable for clients.
See more here.
LTW is a patient portal for laboratory data visualisation. They need UX-designers to help make the data entry as intuitive as possible.
Find more about LabToWellness here.
Web application to book and manage bus tickets and add-ons, purchase travel passes, view and use vouchers. Needs to be well understood and test accessibility.
Find demo here.
Platform to connect different machinery rental and service-providing companies and individuals with their potential clients by geopositioning. Goal is to simplify and visually appealing/trustworthy for clients.
See current system here.
Application Forms to UX Challenge:
- For companies – the call is closed.
- For solvers – the call is closed.
- For testers – the call is closed.
Call for Solvers document
Baseline survey for the design sprint (deadline expired)
Evaluation criteria for companies
Project’s socials

- Kadi Villers
- Head of Corporate Innovation