TALSINKI Metropolitan Incubation projekt võõrustas PHD Linda Plano ideaalse pitch-i koolitust
The incubation project Talsinki aims for developing new business relations between entrepreneurs based in Estonia and Finland. One main focus of the project is to educate, train and coach participant startups in Talsinki region with best lecturers and coaches from all over the world.
On the 28th of April 2017 in cooperation with Talsinki project partners a Perfect Pitch training and workshop was conducted by a brilliant coach, PhD Linda Plano from USA. More information about Linda Plano: http://www.linkedin.com/in/lindaplano.
The pitch training was focused on how to tune your pitch for the ears of your audience in a way that will get them engaged and excited about the opportunity to invest in you and in your company. The pitch training attracted 16 participants from Tehnopol and Tallinn Business Incubators.
The Estonian project manager Kadi Villers pointed out that for the second year Estonian and Finnish startups had the change to listen to an educated and experienced venture capitalist about how to attract the attention of an investor. Altogether it was a very useful event for the startups.
TALSINKI Metropolitan Incubation facilitates the growth and co-operation between knowledge intensive companies in the Tallinn-Helsinki area through an integrated incubation program that is personalized to meet company’s specific needs. The co-operation addresses four business verticals: ICT, healthtech, cleantech and creative industries.
Project partners are: Tallinn Science Park Tehnopol, Tallinn Business Incubator, XAMK, Laurea University of Applied Sciences /Spinno Enterprise Center and Estonian Business Angels Network.
For additional information about Talsinki project events please contact kadi.villers@tehnopol.ee or marii@inkubaator.ee. Also check out our webpage: http://www.cbtalsinki.eu.